Meet the Team


Dr Hayley Law (Partner) (f)
Dr Fareed Khayat (Partner) (m)
Dr Sarah Millar-Craig (Partner) (f)
Dr Nicolas Milhavy (m)
Dr Jenny Harding (f)
Dr Dean Jackson (m)
Locum GP – covering for maternity leave
Dr Rachael Lockyer (f)
currently on maternity leave
Dr Sally Nicholson (f)
Salaried GP Musculoskeletal Speciality


Shauna Chapman (f)
(Senior Practice Nurse)
Laura Hawkridge (Practice Nurse) (f)
Practice Nurse
Thanh Lee (Practice Nurse) (f)
Currently on Maternity leave

Healthcare Assistants

Alison Dennis (HCA) (f)
Katie Greig (HCA) (f)

Practice Management

Mrs Louise Perkins
Practice Business Manager – Monday to Thursday 
Miss Claire Timms
Assistant Practice Manager

Attached Staff


Abdullah Khan, Edward Melbourne and others (Clinical Pharmacists)

Our Practice Pharmacists undertake structured medication reviews and medication queries/updates. They also carry out medication reviews, help out with prescriptions, off-loading work from GP’s, and process discharge letters. Anyone who has medication that requires monitoring or adjusting or anyone struggling with their medication can arrange an appointment with one of the team. They also complete audits and block switches for the GPs to ensure that patients medications are optimised. The Practice will book in your reviews for you, or you can request them through reception. Their consultations are over the telephone.
First Contact Practitioner (FCP Physio) (m)

Our First Contact Practitioner service provides new expertise and increased capacity to our practice population suffering from musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions and provides our patients with faster access to the right care.
The FCP services ensures that, where appropriate, patients with musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are seen by the right person in a primary care setting and they receive appropriate care in a more timely manner.
FCP services improve MSK pathways, improve onward referral practice and enhance patient experience and outcomes.
Where appropriate patients can be booked directly with a FCP.
“My role is trying to see people with muscle and bone conditions in a first contact role to take pressure off GPs. They don’t need a referral from a GP, it’s cutting that step out, making it smoother for the patient. The idea is they come straight to us through reception, up to 6 weeks in advance, to get to the right person at the right time. Patients should know that we are here, and we are accessible and that they don’t need to go through a GP to see a physio.”

First Contact Practitioners (FCP Physio)

Our First Contact Practitioners service provides new expertise and increased capacity to our practice population suffering from musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions and provides our patients with faster access to the right care.
The FCP services ensures that, where appropriate, patients with musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are seen by the right person in a primary care setting and they receive appropriate care in a more timely manner.
FCP services improve MSK pathways, improve onward referral practice and enhance patient experience and outcomes.
Where appropriate patients can be booked directly with a FCP.
“My role is trying to see people with muscle and bone conditions in a first contact role to take pressure off GPs. I can also assist with managing related pain. They don’t need a referral from a GP, it’s cutting that step out, making access easier and smoother for the patient. The idea is they come straight to us through reception, up to 6 weeks in advance, to get to the right person at the right time. Patients should know that we are here, and we are accessible and that they don’t need to go through a GP to see a physio.”

Click here for more information

Other members of the team are Lizzie Nile, Eoghan O’Sullivan and Nigel Hemming
Click here for more information
Community Pharmacies

We encourage patients to attend their local pharmacys as they can treat many minor ailments and now have enhanced ability to: Pharmacy first info and Pharmacy referrals. This applies to all of the local pharmacies for example:
Kishan Kara (Community Pharmacist)

“My name is Kishan and I am the Community Pharmacist at the Clifton Health Pharmacy. I help with minor ailments and health conditions and refer patients to more appropriate settings when necessary. I also answer patients medicine-related questions. My role helps to to alleviate pressure on our local GP surgery and help patients access the right care quickly. Reception can refer you to me for an appointment and I feed back to the GP.”
Tina Paddon and our other Social Prescribers

Social prescribing is a service that has been designed to help people address their physical, mental health and general well-being by connecting them to support within the community.
GPs and other health professionals can refer patients to their local Social Prescribing Team. Patients will have an appointment with a Social Prescribing Link Worker who will support patients to identify the improvements they want to make who will then help to put them in touch with those resources, such as:
Local community groups, a new activity or a local club help to access legal advice or debt counselling help to access weight management, smoking cessation services etc general information and guidance.
Link workers offer support through health coaching and one-to-one.
“We are social prescribers sometimes referred to as link workers because we provide the link between the practice and the community. We organise social events to improve mental health and decrease loneliness across Nottingham as well as longer consultations than GPs can offer one-to-one in a flexible way that can help you. We can help with anything that the doctors cannot prescribe a pill for by linking patients with support networks or advisors. Something we would like patients to know is that we have a Facebook page Log in to Facebook | Facebook where we post about our activities and our role as social prescribers and there are leaflets in the practice!”
Livia Brown (Mental Health Practitioner)

“My role comes between the GP surgery and specialist mental health services. My role is to provide specialist support to patients in the short term. I can see anyone over 17.5 years old, who has a mental health condition and has been referred by the practice to Local Mental Health Services but does not meet their criteria
Once on my case load I will contact you to make a face to face or telephone appointment and we will work together to improve your mental health and wellbeing.”
Nick Hargreaves (Health and Wellbeing Coach) (m)

Health Coaching is a supported self-management (SSM) intervention and is part of the NHS long term plan in personalised care. The H&W B Coach can support the patient to identify and achieve health-promoting goals set by the patient. This can be achieved by one to one meetings/ consultations on a weekly basis for up to 12 weeks depending on the needs of the patient and their commitment. I also run diabetic groups where we talk about diet and exercise, exercise classes and other activities. I can be contacted via the practice.
Marcia Carlile (Cancer Care Coordinator)

I coordinate and link primary care services for people with a cancer diagnosis an also focus on how to increase cancer screening uptake using campaigns and initiatives. I can see anyone with a cancer diagnosis referred to me by the practice and I offer up to 12 emotional support sessions and 6 practical aid sessions.